Özge Avcı Paşaoğlu is a Member of the Board of Directors at Netpak Ambalaj and represents the second generation of the family business. Born in Kayseri, she completed her education there until high school and then finished her high school studies at Istanbul Vatan Anatolian High School. She graduated successfully from Istanbul Kültür University with a double major in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering. After university, she attended EC Language Schools in Los Angeles for language training.
Özge Avcı Paşaoğlu started working at the family business in 2012 and currently serves as a Board Member responsible for the Foreign Trade, Finance, and Quality departments. She also manages the R&D Center at Ultrapak Makina A.Ş. She has played a pivotal role in expanding the company's exports, leading the company to export to over 45 countries.
In 2018, she was honored with the "Most Environmentally Friendly Woman Entrepreneur" award at the Women Entrepreneurs Awards organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). She is also a member of the Board of Directors at PAGEV (Turkish Plastic Industrialists Research, Development, and Education Foundation).
Özge Avcı Paşaoğlu is also known for her efforts to support female employment. She has been actively working on increasing the percentage of female employees in various departments, from production to management. In particular, she has successfully implemented projects to train female operators for cutting machines.